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Monday, May 2, 2011

List of Ideas Final Year Engg Project

Final Year Engg Project Ideas
8085 Simulator
The idea of this project is to create an 8085 simulator. The program must be complete with a memory interface simulation also. The user must be able to execute step by step and see the registers and active memory contents. The program must be a good tool for a beginner. As an advanced feature the assembler may also be programmed. The user must be able to enter the program as mnumonics. Our simulator must be able to convert it into machine code. Some commercial simulators are available which even simulate the exact instruction execution timings.
2D and 3D Games
Now a days its fairly simple to create a 2D or a 3D game. All that you need is a proper game idea. As far as coding is concerned you can use graphics libraries like OpenGL or Directx to create stunning visuals with minimum coding. And again if you are not satisfied there are languages designed only for gaming. One such language is DARKBASIC. It has all support for a 3D game. You can create your game charcters and game world in a 3D modelling software and use DARKBASIC to manipulate them. Omeagabasic is its mobile counterpart. These two programs have made creating games childs play.
Pocket Dictionary
Pocket PCs and Palm handhelds are becoming more and more popular these days. People are using these devices in their daily routines. A dictionary can be created easilty on such a device. This project involves the use of a database only. This can be considered as a starting project for anyone. If you do this project you will get all the necessary introduction to hand held programming. Newer devices have more memory. Moreover thay have one connectivity option or the other. So the options for the dictionary are enormous. We can keep it on the server and let it access as the user searches. You can use C in palm OS and .net compact framework for pocketPC
Voice over IP
This application named Unifed Messaging over IP intends to integrate three major methods for Electronic communication, Voice (IP telephony), Mail (E-Mail and Voice Mail), Fax and also document conferecing which integrates the above three facilities. If the same network is made to carry these above messages over the same protocol (IP) then a single device can be made to receive all of them. The device on receiving the messages will identify its nature and direct it to its corresponding display device. Thus a voice call would be automatically sent to the speakers or headphone, while fax message can be sent to the printer or the monitor for printing or displaying and an3-mail message can be stored on the mail client. Further all the above messaging capabilities can be built into the same software. All these messages can be stored in the inbox of the same client software, as the incoming e-mail is stored today. Document Conferencing allows multiple parties to communicate verbally while viewing the same document on their computer screens. Until recently Document Conferencing was based on the use of public switched networks for voice communications while software on multiple computers used the corporate network or the Internet to provide real time document editing capability. With the ability to transmit voice over data, it becomes possible to integrate voice and data transmission requirements onto common network infrastructure. This not only makes it simpler to coordinate software but also eliminates the use of PSTN, which could result in considerable savings especially if document conferencing audio & data are ansported between in international locations. To setup a VolP communication we need : 1. First the ADC to convert analog voice to digital signals (bits) 2. Now the bits have to be compressed in a good format for transmission :there are a number of protocols we'll see after. 3. Here we have to insert our voice packets in data packets using a real-time protocol 4. We need a signaling protocol to call users 5. At AX we have to disassemble packets, extract data, then convert them to analog voice signals and send them to sound card (or phone) 6. All that must be done in a real time fashion because we cannot wait for too long for a vocal answer.
File Transfer using PSTN
Create your own File transfer application that uses normal PSTN as a medium to send and recieve files. For this purpose you will need a modem connected to your PC. You also will be required to study the necessary AT commands to make your modem dial an outgoing number and accept incoming connections. ATDT for dialling ATA for answering You can create your own packet structure and implement your own error checking and retransmission. This project is your chance to experiment with modems and serial ports. Also you can try to implement the core networking concepts you have learned. The project can be extended to support multiple files simulateneously. Also a chat application can be provided. All these magic is done by your packet structure.
Virtual Router
What is router ? The router is a hardware device which can perform routing operation between different networks, basically this is a dedicated hardware manufactured mostly by CISCO. This device is a layer 3 device ie. it manipulate Logical addressing, like a switch which is a layer 2 device which works on hardware addressing. We can develop a software router which can work as a CISCO router, In linux there is a Kernal level router but on configuring in kernal level will cause some curious problem so we can do software router in user level. For this project u need to study some tips on networking. We can do it in C under linux. so u need to study linux some what. In Linux some one library is there for capturing packet from the Network card, The PCAP.H library. which is already there in Linux c. u need to just import that file. In networking side u need to study about TCP, UDP header. Routing are of 2 types 1) Static routing 2) Dynamic Routing In static routing u need to save the different network address which are directly connected to the virtual router system and assingn a default gateway for each and every system. In dynamic roouting u need to implement some dynamic routing algorithm vis the "link stack routing" so u need to have a good knowledge in datastructure - Graph and trees to find the IP addresses. In both cases the discovered IP address i stored in an IP table. In the 3rd section u need to study about C under linux which is some what similar to windows C but some difference. In the 4th section u need to understand about the linux networking. In linux there is a router in built which is a kernel router, We need to disable the Kernal router and design our own user level router and works well in any situation. When ever the packet arrives in the Network card the PCAP lib capature the packet and we need to sniff the packet and find which packet is it ? After identifying the IP address we need to search the IP table for the networks and if that network address is there inject the Packet back to the ethernet card usig another libray "LIBNET". If u are doing a dyanmic routing u need to find the shortest path for that we need to implement "OSPF" algorithm.
SMS Games
The SMS technology combined with J2me can be used to create mulitplayer games. The players can use the cheap SMS facility offered by all mobile service providers to send and receive game data. Using the messaging API in J2me SMS messages can be captured before they reach inbox. Coded mesages can be used to exchange game information. At the same time Normal SMS messages can be detected and send to inbox. As an example a chess games can be played using a J2me program. The interface will be provided by j2me and moves are transmitted between players using SMS. For games on mobiles you need J2ME and its very simple too. Download the Java wireless toolkit from the JAVA site. The latest IDE Netbeans also has an extension thats available for download. So No configuration is needed. I wrote my first J2me program in 10 minutes using netbeans and J2me extension.
SMS based Juke Box
An SMS based jukebox uses SMS to select a song. The song and the SMS to be send are dispayed on the screen. The user sends the code for a particular song and that song gets played. If more than one request comes at a time they are queued and processed later. An SMS based poll can be used to determine the popularity of the song. Combined with this an SMS chat facility can also be provided. Viewers can send messages and particiapte in a chat. All the chat will be displayed on the screen. If chatting is also done MP3s can be played according to user needs.
Canteen Automation
We can use palm device for automating a canteen. In certain companies each employee has been allowed a fixed number of food coupons.And the corresponding amount will be reduced from their salary.The palm device is used to issue the coupons to the employees.On every occassion before the waiter starts to take orders he will have to download the details of the employees and the remaining number of food coupons from the Server mechine.Then the waiter can take orders using the palm device and print the coupons to the employees.At that time the corresponding amount of coupons is being reduced from the total number of coupons.At last the new data is transferred to the server.This is also can be done using a Pocket Pc.
Vehicle Access Control
RFID is the latest technology trend in inventory tracking and management. The RFID technology can be used very effectively in many other areas involving applications to identify and object, person etc. RFID technology can also be used to locate a particular object/person. To use this technology in vehicle access control Long range RFID reader and active tags are used. Vehicles with access to a particular place are fitted with RFId tags. An automated gate is setup and a rader is palced on the gate. When a vehicle with access comes the reader reads the tag and operates the motor of the gate to open it. after the vehicle has passed the door closes. The gate opens only for vehicles with the tag.

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