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Monday, May 2, 2011

Computer Science Final Year Projects...

In the third year of your study, you'll undertake a project in which you can carry out individually a substantial piece of work under the guidance of a member of staff. This is a great opportunity to apply and explore in more depth some of the things you have learnt elsewhere in the course, and to show initiative in expanding and applying your knowledge.
Projects are often a focus of discussion at job interviews since projects give future employers a detailed example of your achievement. We also offer Work Based Learning Projects for which you will carry out your project with a company, ranging from large multi-national companies (e.g., Jaguar) to specialist software development companies, manufacturing companies, botanic gardens, etc. The real life project experience gained is invaluable to future employment.
Projects typically involve the design and development of a software system to meet some practical needs. You can propose your own idea for projects or choose from a list offered by members of staff. All projects consist of four elements: research and background study, planning and design, realisation and implementation, and evaluation. At the end, you'll develop a variety of important skills in addition to technical skills: planning, surveying literature, finding information, time management, presentation, evaluation skills, etc.

What projects are available for you?

We have a wide range of projects available covering different topics in computer science. To mention a few, artificial intelligence related including game strategies, genetic programming, neural networks; hardware related including applications on mobile phone, personal digital assistant (PDA); algorithmic design including pattern matching, compression, various graph algorithms visualisation, scheduling.

Here are some examples of previous projects

Soccer Playing Agent Team for the Robocup Simulation --- by Chris Carter

(back to project list) This project creates a football team that competes in the Robocup Simulation tournament. Robocup is an international joint project to promote artificial intelligence, robotics, and related fields. The ultimate goal of the Robocup project is to develop a team of fully autonomous humanoid robots that can win against human world champion team in football. At the end of the project, the student has produced a working team of 11 agents, capable of performing in the Simulation, carrying out functions including running around the pitch, locating and chasing the ball, passing to fellow team-mates, and shooting towards the goal. The system is written in Java. Some screenshots are shown here (click on the picture to see a larger version).

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