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Monday, May 2, 2011

Civil Engineering Final year Projects Topics List

Earthquake Related ProjectsEarthquake Ground Motion

  1. Earthquake vibration control using modified frame-shear wall
  2. Advanced Earthquake Resistant Techniques
  3. Seismic isolation devices
  4. Energy dissipation devices for seismic design.
  5. Reservoir induced seismcity
  6. Failure of foundation due to earthquake

Surveying & Levelling

  1. Advance Technology in Surveying
  2. Development Of Remote Monitoring System For Civil Engineering

Engineering Materials Engineering Materials

  1. Smart materials
  2. Basalt rock fibre (brf)
  3. Cellular Lightweight Concrete
  4. Mineral admixtures for high performance concrete
  5. Glass fiber reinforced concrete
  6. Geosynthetics
  7. Bamboo as a building material
  8. Silica fume concrete
  9. Fly-ash concrete pavement
  10. Non-destructive testing of concrete

Building Construction Building Construction

  1. Causes Prevention and Repair of Cracks In Building
  2. Rehabilitation techniques.
  3. Stability of high rise buildings.
  4. Corrosion Mechanism, Prevention & Repair Measures of RCC Structure
  5. Analysis for seismic retrofitting of buildings
  6. Collapse of World Trade Center
  7. Advance construction techniques
  8. The rain roof water-harvesting system
  9. Formwork types & design
  10. Rectification of building tilt
  11. Space hotel
  12. Retrofitting using frp laminates
  13. Green buildings
  14. Passive solar energy buildings
  15. Zero energy buildings
  16. Impact of lightening on building and remedial measures
  17. Laminated floorings

    Highway & Transportation Engineering Highways & transportation Engineering

    1. Advanced Pavement Design
    2. Intelligent transport system
    3. Flexible pavement
    4. Rural road development
    5. Highway safety
    6. Mixed traffic control & behavior continuously reinforced concrete pavement
    7. Automated highway systems

    Environmental Engineering

    1. Sewage treatment plant
    2. Air pollution & its control
    3. Marine pollution
    4. Logistic management of solid waste
    5. E – waste disposal
    6. Environmental Impact Assessment

      Softwares And Computer applications Computer Applications in Civil Engineering

      1. Computer Application In Civil Engineering-ANN
      2. GIS, GPS and its applications
      3. Arsenic Removal From Ground Water By Coagulation Process Concrete Cube Testing - A Neural Network Approach, Using MATLAB 6.0
      4. Geometry Optimization of Space Frame Structures
      5. Application of remote sensing & g.i.s. in groundwater prospecting
      6. Application of software in civil engineering industry

      Irrigation & Water Resources Engineering Irrigation & water Resoources

      1. Watershed management
      2. Water resources engineering
      3. Interlinking of rivers
      4. Hydraulic & Hydrological impacts on Bridges

      Soil Mechanics & GeoTechnical Engineering Soil Mechanics

      1. Soil Liquefaction
      2. Ready mix concrete plants
      3. Pile foundation
      4. Improvement of bearing capacity of sandy soil by grouting
      5. Ground improvement technique
      6. Use of plastic as soil stabilizer
      7. Erosion control in slope

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