Smart Cameras for Human Detection and Tracking
DSP-based distorsion attenuation of audio systems
Digital Programmable Hearing Aid
Iris Recognition System
Automatic Weld Defect Evaluation System
Automatic Detection of the angle between vehicle and trailer based on computer vision
Real Time 3D Sound Synthesis on Headphones
Automatic Verification of Handwritten Signatures
Software for Analysis and Automatic Recognition of cardiac arrhythmias from Holter ambulatory electrocardiography
- Brief Description: The use of surveillance cameras has increased considerably in recent years. Since manual monitoring of surveillance scenes is labor intensive and not cost effective, the need of automatic processing of images has rapidly grown, and as a consequence, Smart Cameras with processing capabilities have started to appear in the market. The objective of this Project is to develop an algorithm and implement it in real-time using DSP, for the detection and tracking of people moving in a surveillance scene.
- Level of Difficulty: High
- Background: Digital Image Processing, DSP Programming
- Number of Students: 2 (Hernán Haimovich and Luis Romero)
- Year: 2001
- Brief Description: The objective of the project is the digital implementation of algorithms for the real-time compensation of the distorsion introduced by nonlinearities in electroacoustic transducers in audio systems.
- Level of Difficulty: High
- Background: System Identification, Digital Signal Processing, DSP Programming
- Number of Students: 2 (Lisandro Boggio and Carlos Lana)
- Year: 2001
- Brief Description: The objective of the project is to develop a prototype which is programmable digitally according to the patient's audiogram. The project will also involve the implementation of different compression and noise reduction algorithms to improve speech intelligibility in a noisy environment.
- Level of Difficulty: High
- Background: Digital Signal Processing, Acoustics, DSP Programming
- Number of Students: 2 (Juan Schuman and Helio Hild)
- Year: 2002
- Brief Description: The objective of the project is to develop a prototype of an Iris Recognition System based on a standard digital camera.
- Level of Difficulty: High
- Background: Digital Signal and Image Processing, Pattern Recognition.
- Number of Students: 3 (Lucas Terissi, Lucas Cipollone and Patricio Baldino)
- Year: 2005
- N.B.: This Project was awarded the Best Student Paper Award at the XI Workshop on Signal Processing and Control (XI RPIC), Río Cuarto, Córdoba, Argentina, September 21-23, 2005.
- Brief Description: The objective of the project is to develop a software package for the automatic evaluation of weld defects from radiographic testing.
- Level of Difficulty: High
- Background: Digital Signal and Image Processing, Pattern Recognition.
- Number of Students: 2 (Martín Angeleri and Marcelo Figoseco)
- Year: 2007
- Level of Difficulty: High
- Background: Digital Signal and Image Processing, Pattern Recognition.
- Number of Students: 1 (Joaquin Gómez Prats)
- Year: 2008
- Level of Difficulty: Very High
- Background: Digital Signal and Image Processing, Pattern Recognition.
- Number of Students: 1 (Mauro Hernán Riva)
- Year: 2009
- N.B.: This Project was awarded the Best Student Paper Award at the XIII Workshop on Signal Processing and Control (XIII RPIC), Rosario, Argentina, September 16-18, 2009.
- Level of Difficulty: High
- Background: Digital Signal and Image Processing, Pattern Recognition.
- Number of Students: 1 (Marianela Parodi)
- Year: 2009
- Level of Difficulty: High
- Background: Digital Signal and Image Processing, Pattern Recognition.
- Number of Students: 2 (Carlos Alcalá and Pablo Rullo)
- Year: 2009
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