- AR Scalextric: Anyone who has played Sclextrix will remember that one o the real problems with it is that the cars keep falling off the track and it i a real pain to put them back on again. However, there is something great about physically building the track to play on. This project will develop an augmented reality solution in which virtual cars will race around a real scalextrix track viewed through a Head Mounted Display. There will also be amny opportunites to add other augmentations such as realistic crowds, and to provide racing experiences that wouldn't be possible with physical scalextrix cars - jumping through rings of fire for example!
3D AR: In 2008 - 2009 a very successfull final year project looked at using a real robotic forklift to manipulate virtual crates. A very interesting extension to this project would be to view it in true 3D using multiple cameras and displays. This should make interactions with the system more intuitive as users will be better able to appreciate the positions of virtual objects with relation to real ones. An image of the project is shown to the right for illustration.
- Markerless AR: Many current augmented reality applications use fiducial markers to perform registration. However, this can be difficult as it requires obstructive, and unusual looking, fiducial tags to be placed in AR environments. This project will look at the possibility of replacing these kind of objects with well known, regular looking objects, such as Coca Cola cans, company logos etc.
- AR Doll's House: This project will explore the interactions between virtual characters and real physical objects by creating a "doll's house" in which a virtual doll interacts with real objects such as funriture toys etc. This project will springboard from previous final year projects hat have developed AR games which make heavy use of interactions between virtual and real objects.
- AR Data Set Visualisation: Many data sets are hyperdemensional making their visualisation troublesome on two dimensional displays. This project will look at using immersive augmented reality teechnqiues to display such data.
- AR Facebook Viewer: This project will use an augmented reality headset viewer and face recognition software to recognise people and display information from their facebook profiles virtually beside their faces.
Machine Learning/AI/Robotics
- Academic Expertise Viewer: One challenge faced by researchers is to determine the expertise of colleagues or resaerchers in other institutions. This project would seek to creaate a topic map based on the publications of a researcher in which various terms represneting topics would be shown connected to the researcher to indicate that this researcher was an expert in that particular field.
- Robotic Lecturing Assistant: Many of DIT's lecture rooms (and this is also the case in many other eductional institutions) are not equipped with mounted projection systems. This means lecturers have to bring portable projectors to these lecture rooms themselves. While this is awkward for everyone, for lecturers with a physical disability it can be a major challenge. This project will develop a mobile robot with a projector mounted on top of it which can be instruced to meet a lecturer in a meeting/lecture room and position itself for correct projection display. This project will form the basis of an Imagine Cup entry in association with DIT, Microsoft and Enable Ireland.
- Modify the AI System of a Commercial Game to do Something Very Different: Many commercial games now offer source code and tools to allow users to modify them to create new experiences. A heavy modification of the AI system of a game would first require complete understanding of what is already there and then augmentation of this system. Suggestions for modifications would include using Half Life 2 to simulate sports crowd behaviours, everydy city crowds, or the people who populate a college campus.
- Support Vector Machine Controllers for Racing Game Drivers: This project will cotinue work done by one of the School of Computing's postgraduate students to create AI based drivers for computer controlled cars in a driving game. The project will use Support Vector Machines to learn to mimic the driving behaviour of human players.
- Create a Sandbot Robot Using a Lego NXT Mindstorm: Building robots that can navigate uneven terrain such as sand is difficult using wheeled approaches as wheels, just like in cars, become stuck in soft sand. One solution to this problem that has emerged is the Sadnbot which uses semicircular legs to walk across uneven surfaces (more information on the Sadnbot is available here. This project will look at building a replica of the Sandbot using a Lego Mindstorm NXT kit and testing it on various terrains.
- Robotics Projects: The school has a number of robotics platforms including Lego Mindstorms, Evolution Robotics Scorpion, an ActivRobots Peoplebot and a Hitec Robonova humanoid robot. Students are invited to suggest projects based on any of these. One interesting example would be to make the humanoid robot dance in time, and in an appropriate fashion, to music played.
Past Projects (maybe you have an idea for an extension to one of these...)
- Weights of Evidence for General Classification: In many financial classification applications, rather than using raw attribute values, weights of evidence values are used as classifier inputs. This generally improves classifier performance. This project would consider whether this behaviour can be seen in general classification problems, rather than simply in financial ones.
Grangegorman AR: Grangegorman VR is a system developed by Hugh McAtamney to allow people view a virtual reality (VR) representation of the planned new DIT campus at Grangegorman. Grangegoman AR will be an augmented reality (AR) based application which will allow users view the real Grangegorman environment augmented with virtual representations of planned new buildings. The environment would be viewed through a telescope like device similar to those seen at tourist spots all over the world.
- Brainstorming Tool: A tool to aid in the brainstorming process by recording the ideas generated by participants and displaying these through a projector. This would involve a speech recognition engine which would recognise ideas spoken to it, convert this speech to text and display all ideas in a readable format.
- Wiimote-Based Interface for a Brainstorming Tool: This project would attempt to use a Nintendo Wiimote pointing device to manipulate idea bubbles created during a brainstorming session. Ideas would be projected in large scale onto a wall and the Wiimote could be used to move them around, rearrange them to the front or back etc. This porject would involve a large amount of work in explaring the Wiimote interface.
- Mobile Phone Based In-Class Voting System: In class student voting has been shown to be a useful teaching tool. However, required hardware can be expensive making it unattainable for many institutions. This project would develop an in class student voting system in which students use their mobile phones. Most problably this would involve mobile phones connecting to a server via bluetooth as expecting students to pay for calls/SMS messages is unrealisitc.
- AR Route System: Rather than having signposts at the side of the road which direct everybody, signposts could be left blank and be augmented with the information required by a particular driver which would be viewed through an AR headset. For example, rather than seeing a signpost on approaching a roundabout which shows where all of the exits go, the driver would only see the exit they need to take highlighted.
- MySpace for Academics: Allow academic researchers post information about published papers, research interests etc in the fashion of mySpace using networks, linking etc. Especially link the networking aspects of mySpace with publication author lists.
- Applications Using the Google Maps API: Any applications that make use of the Google Maps API. For example, a surf site which allows users mark good surf beaches and post surf reports to these via SMS messages. Good surf would be easily located on the Google map.
- Runner's Training Centre: Create a community web site for people doing running training. This would include sections such as time tables, training plans, links to other runners and maps of routes. For the map section Google maps could be used - an interesting application in this area is the Gmaps Pedometer which can be seen here.
- Snooker Visualiser When watching snooker on TV it is often hard to see whether a particular shot is possible because the camera man cannot disturb the player to get the correct viewing angle. This project suggests that a computer vision system is used to identify all of the balls etc from a top down view of a snooker table and based on this a 3D model of the current situation is built. This model would then allow the table to be viewed from any viewpoint.
- Jigsaw Visualiser As part of a larger project to build a robotic jigsaw system for disabled children, this system would build a model of a block based jigsaw using images of a scene. The system would need to be capable of identifying the various pieces in the jigsaw scene and determining which pieces are connected to each other. It would also be very nice if the system could determine whether the jigsaw had been completed or not.
- Neural Net/Genetic Algorithm Based Blackjack Player: Using genetic programming and neural nets how successful a Blackjack player could be evolved?
- Robot Receptionist: In this system a small mobile robot would be positioned at the entrance to a building (Kevin St. in this case) beside an information kiosk. A user would select from the kiosk the person/room they wanted to visit and the robot would lead them to that location. This project would involve developing a navigation system for the robot, the kisok application and a communication mechanism between the kiosk and the robot itself. For those interested there is a tenuous Star Wars link to this project too!
- Plane Seating Simulation: Develop a simulation to test out different plane seating schemes to see wich would save most time in plane turn-around. There are a number of existing schemes and these could be tested. Furthermoe could you come up with a new scheme? There is an article from wired.com which discusses the issues involved here.
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